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Friday, April 28, 2006Y

i beri fan arx!!!!
moii two di[s] quarrellin...
den ii stuck in centre...
dunno larrhs...

ii duuno help whuu good...
ii dunno wad to do....
help tiish oso cannot...
help tat oso cannot...
ai yarrhs... idoitic larrhs...
ii already loaded wiib work liaox...
still load miie wiib tiish kind of things...
ii will go mad arx...
dun lyk tiish larrhs...
everytym gorrt tai zi...
den jie here jie there...
wo bu shi ni men derrhs...
ii m norrt own by aniione...
ii m own by moiiself....

wa lao...
ii realli dunno how to settle tiish...
both moii dis...
both moii frens...
cannot side aniione...
ai yah!!!! onli god knows larrhs...
maybii i shld backout...
cux ii dun even noe whether dey treat mii as wad....
ii onli noe dey got tai zi den jie here...
ai yo...
realli dunno wad to sae liaox...
ii nv ge kao aniitink...
den both of dem all so ge kao...
fcuk larrhs...

tml iish da end of tiish week lerrhs...
equals to i work last week den rest...
cux exams...
haiish... hope can pass mei mei...
den can continue to work...
cant bear to leave trge lorrs...
so will work extreme hard!!!
ii wun fail derrhs...
ii will pass!!!!
next week mux chiong studies...
chiong all the wae!!!!
ii will pass!!!!
tiish iish propoganda...
to make moii self pass...

sort of sianx nw...
cux later bath lerrhs hab to go fo tang...
gorrt qing shao tonitex...
den ii very fan...
dunno wad to do...
sure very vexed derrhs lorrs...
cux roy claims tat he iish shi bai...
tat means ii am a total failure lerrhs...
ii cant imagine...
gtg lerrhs...
cux gettin abit too late...
n ii beri sianed lerrhs...

8:44 AM

Thursday, April 27, 2006Y

yesterdae didnt blog cux nv online...
den todae mornin nv wake up= nv go skul...
den mummi sae dunwan help mii write letter...
siaox liaox lorx...
hack care...
c later lorx...
maybii ask jie...
think she will barrhs...

da edmund send mii e-mail...
iii dunno larrhs...
maybii tiish week sms hiim n reject hiim lorrs...
cux he* iish still iin moii heart...
although he* n her* goin to last...
ii will still wait...
will tell da edmund ii dun lyk hiim...
cux onli treat hiim as a bro...
dun feel lyk tokin abt hiim lerrhs...
will feel damm bo liaox...

tml sure alot of things to rush on...
so tonitex early early slp..
den tml got mood...
hahax... kkaes...
gtg lerrhs...
cya againx...

5:45 AM

Tuesday, April 25, 2006Y

pr0mise iif can will update againx...
now... ii block da edmund liaox...
i dunno wad to do...
ii realli dun lyk hiim lorrs...
dunno why he lyk mii...
dunno how iish him* doin nw...
feel so sianx...
ii realli feel lyk dyin...

later mux watch da show "the undisclosed"
left 5 episode onli worrs!
dunno will the endin be logical...
cux tat tym the tian ci nv do anything...
den the sdf go shoot hiim...
den tian ci die...
hmms... not logical ritex...
den CID become CIB...
cannot copy everythink larrhs...
later ppl claim copyright fees...

ya... went to layered moii fringe...
think looks okae barrhs...
cux new stuff to mii...
hehes... dunno nehx...
iish phoebe ask mii cut derrhs...
tml wun be updatin so early...
so update long long...
cux tml goin study wiib roy...
miracle rittex?
mii n roy studyin...
no larrhs
we wan pass exams marrhs...
tats why...

our class gorrt "anti-mushroom head"
"beware of pin" derrhs club...
hahax... dunno whuus tat?
go moii class ask can liaox...
oR go see whuu's table got the logo...
tats purpx...
jux now finish almost half of bio worksheet...
counted guai liaox...
i even finish moii SS SEQ lorx...
tml dunno wad buy wad eat...
denise[moii class] wan twisties....
den ii dunno wan wad...
tml den go see... hehes...
every morning oso go there...
daily rountine liaox...
gtg liaox...
moii show startin soon!
hehes... aniiwae...
ii miss jysb...
ii would lyk to sae [juice!] wiib dem againx!

-iimpuRrFfact Lovers-
20 n0v 05

11:50 AM

tiish two daes happen alot of things...
so sianx...
dun feel lyk sayin abt it lerrhs...
ii damm fan lorrs...
da edmund wanna ask mii for stead...
den ii dunno larrhs...
ii m norrt giibin up him* lorx...
think by now can sae hu lerrhs barrhs...
hiim he self oso noe...
so dun mind...
hee* gorrt da same name wiib da edmund...
so he* iish xiao edmund lorrs...

den he* got tell mii iif wanna sms
sms after 11...
cux he* niid accompany her*...
sad worrs....
iii hear tat quite jealous...
budd wad to do?
wad shld ii sae?
can onli wiish dem* da best onli...
ii realli wanna reject da edmund...
cux ii onli treat hiim as a kor kor...
haiish... aniiwae... gtg liaox...
cux rainin... den muumiie ask to switch off first...
cux gorrt thunder....
nvm... later den update againx!
hehes... cya againx...

-iimpuRrFfact Lovers-
20 n0v 05

7:05 AM

Sunday, April 23, 2006Y

pr0mise to continue todae...
so i shall...
changed moii blogskins for the 4th time?
dunno barrhs...
very very jealous yesterdae night...

speech dae...
yet ii can onli be in da hall to be an audienece onli...
so sad...
cux everytink in da past was lyk yesterdae...
n yet ii wasnt marching yesterdae evening...

ii m sort of sad oso...
cux moii horn section onli left abt 7 juniors?
omg... jun yi iisnt goin back...
n ii m oso not dere...
seniiors all step down liaox...
den how...
haiish... dunno larrhs...
tink conductor will have his own decision....
iif norrt horn section will have to sae goodbye liaox...
sad... if it realli collapse...
i tink wen qi n others seniors will be the most sad derrhs...
cux da horn section todae iish wad dey built up...
so if it collapse..
ii dunnoe...

ii can onli pray hard tat it wun collapse...
ii can onli do wad ii wan sliently...
ii dunno...
ii jux noe tat ii cant go back lerrhs...
its been so long...
9months since ii ever played a horn...
so might as well forget it...
kkaes... gtg liaox...
wanna go out soon....
cya againx...
maybii tonitex....

3:00 AM

Saturday, April 22, 2006Y

todae iish speech dae...
n ii m blue...
ii feel jealous, angry, sad..
ii saw those band juniors...
ii felt lyk cryin...
everytink was in moii memories..
its lyk yesterdae...
yet ii m dere...
sittin in da hall tiish evening...
ii can onli listen to dem plaein...
ii m jealous!
ii dun deny...

da feelin iish terrible...
ii cant stand it aniimore...
ii noe ii miiss band alot...
why shld ii be so harsh...
didnt noe the fact tat it hurts...
omg... ii m sick...
ii feel lyk cryin...
moii god...
can u save mii?
ii noe ii m heartless...
iits all moii fault... ii noe...
ii regretted...
heyys... continue tml...
gonna go out nw...

1:45 PM

Friday, April 21, 2006Y


todae iish da 5th month liaox...
dun tink he rmb barrhs?
todae saw the final speech dae rehersal...
was sort of sad...
cux last year's speech dae was lyk yesterdae...
n yet todae ii m norrt in dere...

todae... goh han pin went crazy...
teach chapter 6...
den use 1 n 1/2 hr to finish almost everything...
he think we r wad?
if we r...
we wun be in 3e2...
hahax... den our class kiip di siao hiim...
he so pek chek lorx...
hahax... see hiis face so funnie...

dunno nehx...
dunno whether still wan sms *hiim anorrt...
so sianx...
feel tat ii shld wait fer *hiis msg barrhs...
maybii *he will...
ii dunno...
maybii *he realli will...
cux tat dae he did call mii n sae sorrie...
sorrie ferr callin to scold mii to let *her bii happie...
maybii ii m jux plain silly?
ii dunchx noe...
ii onli noe ii love *hiim...
tats it... hehes...
maybii ii m crazy over *hiim...
ii realli dunchx noe worrs...

todae gorrt loads n loads of notes copyin...
sh0o stress out...
budd nvm...
ii tell moii self to kiip it dere...
ii can do it!
even iif cannorrt...
oso muc prove to *hiim ii m fine...
even w/o *hiis smses...
ii can still live on...
ii noe ii shld do tiish frm da start..
budd ii cant...
cux ii simply love *hiim sh0o muchiie...
tat ii cant stop thinkin of *hiim...
tml iish speech dae...
n our skul sh0o big shot...
ask mr yatiman yusof come...
wanna see gorrt wad good things to see tml...
hahax... lookin foward...
esp. band's performance...
ii miiss band! omg...
ii m norrt goin back...
budd ii can stop missin it...

if ii go ferr pracs...
ii might norrt be whuu ii m nw...
ii might be iin skul nw...
ferr speech dae rehersal...
ii jux miss marchin daes...
simply miss it...
haiish... wad to do?
no choice... i made tat decision since tat dae...
n ii decided norrt to change it...
ii did tat iin moii deep heart...

dunchx chat liaox...
wanna go revise work ferr exams...
ii will stay on dere!
trust mii!

-iimpuRrfFact Lovers-
20 n0v 05

8:37 AM

Thursday, April 20, 2006Y

one more dae!!!!
iits gonna bii 5 months le worrs!
sh0o happie!
although it doesn't mean aniithink tuhh *him...
iit means alot tuhh mii...

now derrhs wo...
jux wiish time will pass by...
let it bii tml!
iits a great dae ferr mii!
after tml..
one more month n3 more daes tuhh moii..
ii gettin old le worrs...takin i/c liaox...
damm it man...
i haben finish moii load of hmwk...
die liaox...
tml niid pass up...
sianx 1/2...
sianx arx...
niid rush!!!

dunno whether he rmb moii b'dae marrhs?
hope he will barrhs...
hope he will bii da first tuhh sae happie b'dae 2 mii...
even if its at dream time...
ii oso happie!
kkaes le larrhs...
niid go rush homework le...
cya tml!

-iimpuRrffact Lovers-
20 n0v 05

7:45 AM

Tuesday, April 18, 2006Y

ii feel beri lonely deep down...
*him n *her yesterdae went to kfc...
n ii saw dem...
ii asked ade tuhh pass da letter to *him...
budd he purposely let *her see it...
ii didnt noe why...
budd ii feel tat its alrite aniwae...
cux iits hiis own choice...
n da letter didnt contain aniitink...

todae... didnt go tuhh skool...
cux cant wake up?
dunno barrhs... moii heart jux said iits tired...
nearly cried when *him called n [scold] mii...
den after tat he called n explained tuhh mii...
tat its was jux a "show" ferr *his stead to hear...
cux *she iish angry..
sh0o wad? ii hack care...
cux ii still treat *hiim as moii special one...
maybii barrhs... 3 more daes to 5 months...
sh0o fast... tym passes...
exams comin...
after exams iish moii b'dae...
den iish holidaes...
wonder whuu will celebrate wiib mii...

ii hope iit will bii *him whuu celebrate it wiib mii....
hope *he will be da first to sae happie b'dae to mii...
aniiwae... think its iimpossible...
have been watin ferr hiis sms....
yet... nv recieve...
haiish... sadden by tiish...
no choice... *she iish special to *him..
aniiwae... will bless dem together forever...
jux hope he can rmb 20 n0v 05...
realli... tats all ii ask....
hope he will rmb....

-iim-puRrffact L0vers-
20 n0v 2005

5:19 AM

Saturday, April 15, 2006Y

hehes! i jux came back norrt long ago worrs!
nowadays... i think ii m realli numbin moii self wiib work!

ii finally noe why moii heart feels so lonely...
edmund let mii noe da answer yesterdae midnight...
ii m still waitin for hiim... tats da ffact...
although*he n *her r together...
ii still will kiip hiim dere n wiish dem da best...
although ii was sad to noe da ffact...

ii miiss hiim! tats da ffact...
5 more daes to 5 months!
ii m awaitin... budd ii dunno how long ii can survive...
ii feel tat moii heart iish gonna stop any moment...
ii dunno how to kiip it goin...
ii cant find excuses for it...
ii didnt manage to bii strong...
ii didnt manage to face reality...
ii didnt manage to do muchiie things...

how muchiie ii wiish u were here by moii side now...
ii realli miiss euu!
ii dunno why...
tat feelin of u avoidin mii iish back...
u promiised mii u wun!
ii hate iit...
i regretted tell u dose tings...
ii realli regretted it!
ii m upset of moiiself...
ii hate moii self...
ii m angry, upset, dissapoint iin moiiself...

ii m devasted...
nth can explain tiish feelin now...
ii dunno how to...
ii realli dun....
ii realli dunno how moii heart iish gonna kiip beating..
ii dunno... onli u can do it...
ii m miissin u every min...
ii hope to hear frm u soon...
miss ya lots lots...
20 nov 2005... 201105...

3:55 PM

Tuesday, April 11, 2006Y

hmms... jux came back frm skul... was sleepin durin mother tongue n biology...

yesterdae at work... i was so tense up till i cried... haiish... dunno why...
quite sad to noe the fact tat i cried at trge againx...
budd tiish time iish no bodys business...'
cux i am tensed up...
den now oso dunno how...
yesterdae still habin headache...
tats why...

todae... seriously was slpin durin mt n biology...
haiish... sure miss out alot of lesson...
hab to catch up tml...
den tonitex goin over phobebe hse study...
mux buck up liaox...
mid year comin...
i wan study hard hard so i can continue to work....
cux i simply love trge!

aniiwae... i wan go study liaox...
wan type notes... hahax...

6:47 AM

Sunday, April 09, 2006Y

hmms... now iish 12.28am in da midnight...
tml i needa go lin lao shi dere....
den feel lyk stoppin tiish hetic lyfestyle liaox...
so sianx... alwaes feel tat i m too ahead liaox...

nowadays... jux wish to enjoy studyin and workin...
cux i enjoy doin tat...
i finally pass two maths test liaox!
yay!!!! sh0o happie...
one iish inequalities test...
d other one iish congruency test...
sh0o happie...
budd sort of angry cux one iish mr goh han pin derhx test...
sad... ahahax...

todae at work... norrt bad... budd hectic...
too tirin liaox... i n vivien base...
den i kiip hab tuhh load burgers...
stupid men...
load liaox den finish againx...
sianx.... kiip load...
load till scare...
haiish... den yesterdae n todae all mii fliter oil...
sianx.... so smelly....
i todae onli slp 4 hrs den wake up liaox...
tired... i work full todae...
5hrs cashier... den rest iish base...
so tired... i reach there at 8am...
finish moii openin quite fast...

den da toopid r----a...
haiish... dun sae liaox...
so fed upp wiib her...
ask her do things lyk wan her lyfe lyk tat...
shit her man...
so princess den dun work larrhs...
princess dun niid work derhx...
stay at home n bii ur princess larrhs...
idoit... hate euu men!
none of ur business oso wan care...
star trainer also not come train u...
lyk so gan chiong lyk tat...
none of ur business...
go and die larrhs...
fcuker.... i beri long nv scold tiish liaox...

den todae gorrt one guy call j---ry.... take moii number...
shit men... so angry wiib hiis fren...
dunno larrhs... same age as mii derhx...
dun tink can go any further...
dunno larrhs... let fate decide...
c how den sae... aniiwae... its gettin abit too late liaox...
cya again!

3:45 PM