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Saturday, January 28, 2006Y


wad iish happenin to mii? ii realli dunno why recently ii keep keep things to moiiself and never tell aniione else...haiish... maybii ii am turnin siao liaox...

todae skool was lyk fine larrhs... actually nth muchiie happen except for shirley [again]... she came to ask mii : wad did you tell alson they all huh? WTF lorx... haiish... ii treat her lyk sister den she treat mii lyk tiish... haiish....

den todae skool very lame lorx... hahax... gorrt da stupid celebration which iish sh0o lame... hahax... den ii was at there thinkin lorx... why celebrate when euu all still wanna scold us lehx.... den the punitham was lyk wanna give us homework... den royston and mii was at there "chiong" the work lorx... hahax...

den after skool... on da bus saw qi feng... hahax... was lyk so shock lorx... hahax... cux very long nv see him liaox... hahax... den before he went down the bus, he came to sae good bye to mii... but da wae he called for mii scared mii... hahax... okae lorx... find tat he change alot liaox... hahax...

time for photo again...

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tiish iish mii actin cute... hahax...

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tiish one iish wiib moii jie....

kk... gtg liaox... everydae show euu all two enough liaox... hahax....

6:31 AM

Friday, January 27, 2006Y

t0dae... something happen again... budd tiish tym round iish not shirley... iish cai zhuang kena.... haiish... alot of tai ji worx... recently reallii cannot concentrate on moii studie properly... haiish...

t0dae durin recess was lyk damm sh0ck to see alson wiib shirley... den in the end got t0 kn0w frm als0n tat iish she f0llow de... haiish... den t0k t0 her lyk ii owe her money lyk tat... did so much for her yet she treat mii lyk tiish... haiish... reallii dunno wad she thinkin... maybii she forget wad ii did for her le bahx...

yesterdae night took alot of photos...
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one of them iish tiish lorx... ugly ritex... hahax... cux ii am not photogenic marrhs... hahax... realli Image hosting by Photobucket
damm ugly lorx... another one... hahax.... yesterdae dunno why sh0o zhi lian lorx... keep take...

kk... gtg liaox... needa help royston do hiis work liaox... if norrt tml kp mii till siaox den ii noe worx... hahax... kk... everyone take kkares worx...

7:55 AM

Thursday, January 26, 2006Y

t0dae was lyk very the wad lorx... was lyk shirley very the wad lorx... keep peng wei lorx... den sae alot of different stories... ii realli very dissappointed liaox lorx... haiish... den now ii realli dun wiish to help her and dun wiish to care abt tiish matter liaox...

kk... we dun tok ant tiish liaox... tok again ii will get realli upset and angry... haiish... yesterdae saw him... and yet hiis frens still can tell mii he is in hospital... haiish... dun wanna care hiim liaox... since he iish nt keen to giib mii and answer... haiish... aniiwae.. todaes mood was good and bad lorx... haiish... realli miiss him alot.. haiish... [note tat ii am tokin abt different ppl] mii todae very guai worx... never sleep in class... hahax... guai ritex... hahax...

and then todae got the stupid poa test! OMG!!!! moii balance sheet de thingy ii count wrong worx... heng arx... last min got it ritex... hahax... hope can get 30/30 lorx... hahax... but useless larrhs.. moii rival iish much more stronger den mii... haiish... she was the one who got the balance sheet ritex first... haiish... dissappointed iin moiiself... haiish... supposed to be the best in poa de... haiish... sh0o sad...haiish...

jux finish editin some stuff... haiish... so muchiie thingy to do... sianx... hahax... dunno when den will finish... den shirley still giib mii tiish kind of attitude... haiish.. ii realli dunno wad to do liaox... i treat her so good yet she treat mii tiish wae... haiish... realli feel tat ii regard the wrong person as sistas.... haiish... gtg liaox... needa go buy thingy... hahax... cya again tml...

7:50 AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006Y

eRmm... finally found tat song liaox... quite siaox... keep listen to it...
Shirley tat tai zi haben settle... yesterdae gorrt gu huo zai [police] come... haiish... dunno who call the police de... gorrt a feelin tat iish her bro... haiish... feel tat lyfe iish alwaes playin wiib ppl... sh0o sad... haiish... yesterdae mii finally apply medication on moii hand and leg liaox.. den swollen now... haiish.... feel damm blue todae... haben eat lunch haben do lots and lots of thingy... sleep in quite mani class todae... slept in eng, poa, hist... hahax... sh0o tired... yesterdae slept quite late... tats why...nw damm shag... dunno wanna do wad... jux terribly feel lyk sleepin... and dun ever wake up frm tat sleep.... ii realli miiss eu alot... ii noe ii cant possibly replace her de... haiish... budd iif ii do stand tat chance please tell mii.... haiish... sh0o tired of miissin eu alone liaox... miissin eu iish enough liaox... yet ii still wimper in da night... haiish... sh0o sianx now... hope shirley will learn her lesson....iif she dun ii dunno wad ii can do liaox... haiish... sh0o sianx... wanna go out one of these daes to meet up moii old frens... hahx... miiss dem sh0o muchiie lorx... sh0o long neber see dem liaox... miiss dem lots and lots... hahax... lamer ritex... kk... gtg liaox... mux go prepare for tml de poa test liaox... bb.... take kkares everyone...

7:37 AM

Tuesday, January 24, 2006Y

finally... tiish few daes de weather better liaox... at least see the sunny side of da world liaox... den recently oso happen alot of thingy... ever since skool reopen... actually ii am beri dissappointed in ue gal... ue promise eu would change... and ii onli saw some of it onli... please... if eu are nt keen to change dun promise mii at first... eu noe by gibin mii empty promises... ii will be very dissappointed? ii realli dun wiish the haistory to act againx... ii am gald tat eu noe ii am always the one who helped eu and ended up gettin into trouble... haiish... todae eu kena tai zi againx... ii didnt help cux iif ii help eu, ii noe wad iish in store for mii... budd iif ii help tat gal... ii noe wad will happen to eu... ii realli dun wiish to see eu bein humilated... ii realli dun wiish... sorrie... ii hope eu will learn frm the hard wae... izzit alrite? ii confess tat ii am slefish tiish tym round... budd even iif ii were to go and chup the tai zi... ii will still end up seein eu gettin humlitaed... sorrie ger... realli very sorrie... ii reallii dun wiish to see these happen... ii admit ii am selfish... sorrie.... ii dunno how mani sorrie will let eu forgive mii... budd ii still wiill sae it...
yesterdae went to shoppin... bought a braclet at taka jewerllery.... $9... cheap ritex... den even bought moii necklace... everythings in liaox... except for someone to accompany to spend the new year... haiish.... ii noe ii shouldnt be saein all these... ii should be back on to the track liaox... ii should forget everything in da past and start anew... ii saw hiim tat dae when ii went down to moii grandparents place... sort of sad... he went to moii workplace wiib hiis fren... budd after ii change he went missing... budd he was at the coffeeshop when ii went there to meet ppl... OMG... ii realli dunno why ii feel so bad when ii see him... maybii ii am still blamin moiiself for being the third party tat tym round? haiish... dunno larrhs... dun wiish to noe... haiish... tot tat ii forget eu liaox... iin the end iish oso never forget... haiish... tried every method liaox... ii even tried to patch wiib alan... in the end oso useless.... ii even hope tat ii can stand at chance to be wiib eu... haiish... ii realli neber put eu down before... ii dunno why ii cant do it... can some one tell mii?

10:07 AM

Wednesday, January 18, 2006Y

todae de weather aint ani betta oso... sh0o bad... everydae oso nt tat past sunny weather... where theres memories den... haiish... still thinkin of him now... ii feel so disappointed in moii self... kept tell moiiself nt tuhh think of him liaox and yet ii am still doin it... haiish... ii jux cant forget eu... ii noe ii was da one who left eu... ii was da one who did everythink... haiish... ii noe ii aint supposed tuhh do tat but ii jux simply did it... and regretted badly now... haiish... dun tok abt tiish liaox... todae after skool ii went tuhh shop shop ard tampines mall and century square for a while... den went tuhh KFC tuhh buy tat Golden Spring Salad... den saw moii skool seniore cedric workin there... hahax... went home after tat... nothing much larrhs... reach home liaox den eat lorx... den play com... den... ii suddenly rmb tat ii never bring maths textbookshome to do moii work.. shit... siaox liaox... later dio kan againx... sianx... hahax... hack care larrhs... so tired liaox still will go and do den funny... hahax...todaes lesson was boring... early morning iish tat mdm lee's class... hahax... mrs incredible... hahax... after tat iiish poa bio den maths... hahax... after recess was short of energise liaox... budden horx... the lessons: mt geog eng den ss... was sort of lyk sianx diaox... den ii was wearin moii jacket for the first half of the dae after recess den put back into moii bag... budden still feel sh0o cold...hahax... earlier ii noe ii wun take off... hahax... now damm tired... feel lyk sleepin liaox... *yawn*jux finish eatin something which ii regretted sh0o much... no choice... already in moii stomach liaox... hahax... now eating kopiko... hahax... lame ritex.. realli damm sianx... nth tuhh do... ii am still missin him even though ii am nw in moii own hse... ii stil miiss the daes when ii lied on hiis shoulder... haiish... boii.. do eu noe wo hao xiang ni marrhs?

8:40 AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006Y

todae wasnt a very good dae for mii... really... last two periods was the worst...chemistry....hahax... we were in the lab and the dummy teacher mr joe cheng... was showin us the video clip on lab safety... den afetr tat he started sayin alot of dummy things again... den was lyk ii am very tired liaox... jux lie on moii bag... den guess wad? ii fell asleep...hahax... den after tat ii was lyk thinkin tiish... tiishstupid teacher so boring... keep make mii fall asleep... hahax... nt the fast time liaox... hahax... den nw... jux finish rain... so cold... hahax... nw eatin moii dinner...hahax... pathetic ritex... actually iish moii lunch and moii dinner... hahax... kkx... gotta stop here... hahax... buaix!

10:33 AM

Friday, January 13, 2006Y

todae da stupid weather iish bad... iits a bad dae...den ii slept in chemistry lessons... tat mr joe cheng didnt care... sh0o ii oso dun care lorx... continues wiib moii slp... den after chemistry was recess... after recess was maths... arGh... 3 periods of maths lehx... den ms tan nv come againx... haiish... den the ah benG teacher came tuhh relief moii class worx... mii showed him tiish stupid blog of moii... and he gave comments and so on lorx...yesterdae night didnt hab a good night... was cryin till late midnight... jux couldnt figure out wad ii done worng tat since da dae we gorrt chase out, ii didnt hab anii calls frm dem... ii realli cant force moiiself tuhh laugh aniimore... ii couldnt understand why... ii jux cannot figure out da real reason behind... maybii ii shld jux forget abt everythink and face da reality which iish cruel tuhh mii? ii noe tat dey are biased towards mii... ii noe it.. ii noe dey dun care abit abt mii.... ii noe everythink... ii jux pretened tat ii dunno and carry on wiib those deciving life of mine... ii noe ii should nt be doin tiish... ii noe it will onli hurt mii more when ii realli can accept tiish fact, ii might even breakdown... ii noe ii am near tuhh breakindown iif ii continue tuhh surpress moii real feelings... ii noe ii mux learn tuhh let go... budd ii jux cant do it.... ii dunno why... ii onli noe tat ii am goin nearer tuhh da dae of breaking down... ii noe ii shouldnt torture moiiself... ii noe ii should be fair tuhh moiiself and lead a normal life every teenagers would... budd ii jux dunno why ii would hab tiish second personality of mine... ii noe it should be scrape off... realli... it should disappear... iif ii dun let it off... ii will develop a split personality... hahax... dunno why ii still can laugh... maybii ii shld jux let da second mii develop? at least ii still wun suffer sh0o much... moii frens and moii parents wun lose mii sh0o easily... ii noe ii shouldnt think of death... ii should think of books... ii noe all tiish... sh0o ii shld jux take iit as nth happen and continue wiib the two sided mii...

9:45 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2006Y

ermm....todae iish nt a beri go0d weather dae 0s0...went tuhh cut moii hair...hahax... purposely de w0rx... CNY c0min le marrhs...hahax...and then h0rx.. ii realli feel tat ii am usin w0rk tuhh numb m0iiself..haiish...still feelin very l0w deep down iin m0ii hart...jux feel tat everythink iish nt g0in tuhh sm00thly ferr mii...mii kena sab0 tuhh be the stupid thingy de wad ambassor... stupid thingy...den 0s0 kena sab0 tuhh be the cleaniless pers0nal...haiish... sh0o sianx...h0pe tml will be a betta dae ferr mii...den h0pe every0ne wun be tuhh sh0ck tuhh see m0ii new hairstyle...hahax...cux quite short l0rx...budd ii purp0sely g0 layered it till sh0o diffcult tuhh tie...hahax...den ii thinkin tiish n0w... wen g0 w0rk h0w w0rx...hahax...>.sh0o sianx n0w...hahax...gtg lia0x...needa g0 d0 moii stuff and finish up m0ii EL c0ver... SHIT!!!! ii haben d0!!!!

9:10 AM

Monday, January 09, 2006Y

ermm...dunno wad tuhh sae lehx...sh0o sianx...todae its rainin...den lata still needa work...sianned...no choice... CNY comin le...iif dun work no money ferr CNY worx...still haben buy moii CNY clothes...onli bought moii jeans...maybii ii am tryin tuhh use work tuhh numb moiiself?sh0o as nt tuhh think of aniithink else except ferr work and studies?yea...mii recieve good news on fridae frm moii manager!moii CHAMPS check gorrt 100%!!!!hahax... sh0o happi...cux finally can put tat months CHAMPS check aside le...den iish tiish month liaox...iif ii can get againx...den ii maybii can request for a pay rise?hahax... dun tink tuhh muchiie first...mux pass 3months first... hahax...den after tat den make plans bahx...sh0o sianx...ii tink ii habin flu liaox...keep habin blocked nose...iif tats da case mii niid go see doc liaox...*sianned*kiip see doc...hahax... no larrhs...nt evertym see doc... budd iif ii niid tuhh see doc ii will feel dammed sianned... hahax... other den habin tuhh spend money still niid wait...mii nw still palnnin todae de tym how tuhh use...cux gorrt tuhh work sh0o mux plan properly...if nt lata all jammed up den siaox liaox lorx...hahax...kkx...mii gtg liaox... wanna go bath and all tat liaox...hahax... buaix...

3:55 AM

Friday, January 06, 2006Y

ahem...quite long nv update moii blog liaox...skool reopen liaox...todae ii tink iish the third dae bahx?fast worx.. tml hab tuhh work liaox...den gonna quit da stupid job sOon and ii hope ii can find better ones outside?maybii bahx...hahax...shOo sianx nw...da rain jux finish onli...shOo sianx nw...wonderin why lyfe lyk tuhh make fun of ppl?ii feel dat fate iish shOo stupid lorx...ii wonder whether moii hart iish wiib hu?ii realli feel beri confused...haiish...jux dunno why fate lyk tuhh bring a couple tOgether den break dem up againx...hahax...shOo sianx...jux now go pasir ris eat saw tat L2J lorx...hahax...shOo suay? maybii bahx...hahax...nw damm sianx...realli dunnO wad tuhh do and cant find things tuhh do... Oops... moii maths homework!!!hahax... haben go do...sianx...mux go do later on...iif not weekend still niid do home work will bored mii tuhh death esp. when ii still hab tuhh work...hahax...tym realli fly beri fast... shOo fast mii sec 3 le...den later sec 4...den the pattern goes on...hahax...next year mii graduatin liaox...hahax...finally... no niid tuhh wear uniforms le...hahax...shOo happi...budd tiish yr...the skOol realli sucks tuhh hell lorx... Mr Wong, moii daddy leave the skOol liaox...den alot of good teachers lyk Mr Yap Mr CHua they all also transfer out... wonderin whether izzit their choice...haiish...miiss daes wiib daddy shOo muchiie...daes were fun wen daddy iish ard...at least when norrt happi oso can go find daddy...now arx...dun hab aniione tuhh find liaox...shOo sad... kkx... gotta stop here liaox...cux niid go do home work liaox...hahax...iif norrt later cant catch up wiib moii studies...hahax... Bb...

9:48 AM